Being a fellow enthusiast, I just had to meet the owner and shake his hand. So I crossed the street to Cucca's restaurant looking for that person with the bearing of a proud MG owner and finally found Maynard.
What a fine car, restored from the ground up. Just take a look at the pictures on And this isn't just any MGA. According to the website, this is "the first MGA dispatched from the factory
and the first MGA exported to North America."
Maynard and his A will be at the Roundup in October, so make sure to say hi and take a look at his beautiful car.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lala!!!!!!!
MGA *ohmy*
Adore MG's.
Although...owned TR6.
Thank you for visiting my blog, I'll come back here, you have an open invitation to visit back there.
Thank you for the great web site. We enjoyed reading the articles and watching the side show.
Fellow enthusiasts and long time members of the Bakersfield British Car Club,
Steve and Pat Taylor
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